There is Always Hope

The Mystery of Miracles

By Donna LaBelle

Much about cancer is mysterious, maybe because people themselves are mysterious and complex - that's for sure! And we are more than the sum of our parts. Basically our physical bodies are the same – head, heart, muscles, bones. But we are more than just bodies. We have minds too. That adds another factor all together. Especially in dealing with cancer and here are a few reasons why.

One person may have a healthy, organic diet, no smoking, no drinking and exercises regularly. Another person may have a terrible diet, is sedentary and also smokes and drinks. Common sense would say that the second person would be more likely to get cancer than the first, but cancer doesn't always follow common sense. Or does it? The added factor of the mind and how we think plays a very big role in our health. Everyone knows by now that stress is a big issue of our times.

“It's pretty clear that chronic stress disrupts the immune system, making us vulnerable to everything from a cold or flu to the uncontrolled growth of mutated cells,” says Lorenzo Cohen, PhD, in his book Anti Cancer Living: Transform Your Life and Health With the Mix of Six.
Does stress have a hold on you? Find some useful information and suggestions on how to deal with it here.

Mental Affects Physical

In the battle against cancer, the physical aspect – what we eat, drink, put into and do with our bodies – as well as our mental attitude, is important. Stress and negative emotions can turn us into toxic chemical factories. The body is made to heal itself if we don't get in the way. But how do we account for healing that doesn't fit any of the rules? “Spontaneous remission, also called spontaneous healing or spontaneous regression, is an unexpected improvement or cure from a disease that usually progresses. These terms are commonly used for unexpected transient or final improvements in cancer.” 1

Spontaneous healing and idosyncratic diseases/disorders are two sophisticated ways of saying, “We don't know how they healed or why they are sick.” Science measures physical phenomena and produces repeatable results. But what about things that are not measurable? Such as: love, patriotism, trust and kindness. Answers to those unexplained spontaneous and idiosyncratic mysteries just might be found in the spiritual dimension. Faith is definitely found there.

“Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things believed,” (Hebrews 11:1). And so is fear. “God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power, of love and of a sound mind,” (2 Timothy 1:7). We also know that the enemy of our souls is out to steal, kill and destroy us (John 10:10), but he goes about “like a roaring lion” (1 Peter 5:8), and perhaps his greatest weapon is the fear we allow ourselves to have of him, the toothless lion.

The ecstatic reaction to a spontaneous healing is often, “It's a miracle!!” because it is supernatural, that is, super or beyond what naturally happens. Who says no one can walk on water? Isn't it reasonable that the One who made everything including the rules can suspend them when He chooses? Even in the natural, things that we thought were impossible do happen. They never thought the 4-minute mile would be broken but as soon as it was, many followed.

Micol Sanko, Founder of Cancer Warrior Inc., received such healing of her cancer. In her book Hope Over Fear she tells her story and provides helpful, inspirational guidelines for others. She shares her testimony in this video Miraculously Cancer Free Cancer Survivor. What if Micol surrendered everything to the Lord and in doing so she let go of fear? What if she spent so much time with Him that she knew His voice? And His voice led her beside still waters and out of chaos, caused her to lie in green pastures to rest and heal? What if her body, soul and spirit were lined up for healing? Not even identical twins have identical stories. Many healings have no logical explanations – like falling out of a tree and getting healed as little Annabel Beam did. We step out into uncharted waters as we set sail on spiritual seas with His voice as our North star. Each story, each life is unique. But I write this to say that Hope reaches out her hand to those who are willing to take it.

We believe in miracles! Please know CWI's prayers are with you.